Cracking the Code of Japan's "Reset Marathon": A Guide for User Acquisition Managers

If you're a User Acquisition Manager looking to make a splash in the Japanese gaming market, understanding the local gaming culture is crucial. You've probably heard about "Gacha" mechanics, but have you ever come across the term "Reset Marathon," or as it's known in Japan, "リセマラ" (Resemara)? This is a unique feature that could make or break your game's success in Japan.

What Is a Reset Marathon?

In essence, a Reset Marathon is a technique employed by players, particularly in mobile social games and hybrid casual games, to get their hands on desired in-game items or characters. It involves the repetitive cycle of installing and uninstalling a game to exploit the initial 'free pull' or 'free spin' in the game's Gacha system.


The term "Resemara" is a portmanteau of the words 'Reset,' referring to the act of restarting the game, and 'Marathon,' denoting the long, endurance-testing nature of the process.

How Does It Work?

In many social games, players are given a free chance to acquire an in-game item or character when they first start playing. However, the chances of getting a rare or powerful item through this initial free pull are generally slim. By uninstalling and reinstalling the game, players can continuously 'reset' their chances and try again.Some games have started adding the feature to reroll your initial Gacha pull an unlimited number of times. This not only enhances user engagement but also encourages them to invest more time and potentially money into the game.

Evolution of the Practice

Reset Marathons aren't a new phenomenon. They have their roots in PC and console games from the mid-1980s, where the level of difficulty was influenced by random number generation. However, the primary difference lies in the fact that those older games did not require a complete uninstall and reinstall, just a simple reset.

The Pros and Cons

While Reset Marathons theoretically allow players to acquire their desired items, the method is not without its drawbacks:

  • Time-Consuming: It takes a lot of time to uninstall, reinstall, and go through the tutorial phase.
  • Data Consumption: The constant downloading can consume hundreds of MBs to GBs of data.
  • Battery Drain: The process can be harsh on your smartphone's battery life.

Tips for User Acquisition Managers

  1. Understand the Culture: Knowing that Reset Marathons are a part of the gaming culture can give you insights into user behavior and retention.
  2. Incorporate Rerolls: Considering adding a reroll feature for the initial Gacha pull to make the game more user-friendly.
  3. Optimize Tutorials: If the game requires a tutorial before the free pull, make it as engaging and quick as possible.
  4. Monitor Data Usage: Try to optimize the game's data requirements to make it more accessible.
  5. Localize Strategies: What works in Western markets may not necessarily translate to success in Japan. For instance, The Alchemist Code had a special paid gem-only Gacha banner for Halloween, which could be reset up to 10 times.

Final Thoughts

The Reset Marathon is a unique aspect of Japanese mobile gaming that shows the extent players will go to for a super-powerful unit. As a User Acquisition Manager, adapting to these localized strategies could be the key to your success in this lucrative market.So, are you ready to marathon your way into the hearts of Japanese gamers?

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